The conciliatory potential of social media in the current political dispute. The case of Facebook


democracy crisis
political culture
social media

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Pawlak, P. (2021). The conciliatory potential of social media in the current political dispute. The case of Facebook. Przegląd Politologiczny, (4), 85–94.


This text is a continuation of the analysis of the attitudes of politically engaged users of the Facebook, conducted between 13.12.2020 and 25.01.2021 on a sample of 220 respondents. The first statistical conclusions and the full description of the methodology were published in the issue 1/2021 of Przegląd Politologiczny (Pawlak, 2021). In this text, I focused on the interpretation of the open part of the questionnaire, in which the respondents expressed their own ideas and forecasts regarding the possibility of ending/mitigating the conflict. While the data from closed questions could be treated as coming from a group representative of politically engaged Facebook users in Poland (although this condition was more of an added value than the intention behind the research), the material containing answers to open-ended questions is no longer of this nature. This is due to the fact that 43.6% of the respondents left this section unanswered. The analysis presented here prompts reflection on the conciliatory potential of social media, which I consider to be an important platform for political debate in the 21st century.


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