The Implementation of Space Policy Rules for Development of the Emerging Geographical Regions. Pace Technology Park in Lubuskie Polish Province-a Case Study


space technologies
regional policy
European Union

How to Cite

Sługocki, W. (2022). The Implementation of Space Policy Rules for Development of the Emerging Geographical Regions. Pace Technology Park in Lubuskie Polish Province-a Case Study. Przegląd Politologiczny, (3), 5–16.


The article is devoted to the problems of the growing and developing space sector in Poland, and above all, its impact on building a competitive, knowledge-based economy. The aim of the work was to present the efforts of the regions, focusing on the example of the Lubuskie Voivodeship, aimed at building research, development and implementation infrastructure, thanks to which cooperation is established between the local government at the regional level, the world of science, and enterprises. Thanks to such cooperation, it is possible not only to build real relationships between these environments, and in particular, the result of these interactions will be specific economic cooperation, locating new economic entities in the region, or the formation of new companies operating in the space sector. The main part of the work is a case study which presents the initiative to create a Space Technology Park taken by the local government of the Lubuskie Voivodeship, and carried out jointly with the University of Zielona Góra and Hertz Systems LTD. This is an excellent proof that at the voivodeship level, very important initiatives for the development of the space sector can be undertaken as part of a de facto intraregional regional policy.


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