The Determinants of the Reorientation of the European Union’s Policy towards North Africa after 2011
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Arab Spring
Common Foreign and Security Policy
European Union
North Africa

How to Cite

Przybylska-Maszner, B. (2014). The Determinants of the Reorientation of the European Union’s Policy towards North Africa after 2011. Przegląd Politologiczny, (1), 51–65.


The paper attempts to indicate the determinants of the reorientation of the European Union’s policy towards North Africa after 2011 on account of the EU’s involvement in the Arab Spring and to analyze the new attitude to the possibilities of practical implementation of EU policy instruments. These considerations allow conclusions on further EU involvement in North Africa and building new frameworks for the EU’s strategic approach in this region to be presented both in terms of how various interests are established in Brussels and how the joint standpoint is presented and practical activities launched internationally.
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