Anti-Americanism as a Significant Element of the Arab Spring
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Arab Spring
United States
Middle East

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Stelmach, M. (2014). Anti-Americanism as a Significant Element of the Arab Spring. Przegląd Politologiczny, (1), 369–380.


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the occurrence of anti-Americanism in the Muslim world and its influence on US-Arab relations. Since the outbreak of the Arab Spring, this phenomenon has been an important issue in this region. Anti-regime revolts evolved immediately into anti-American uprisings, as evidenced by the brutal assassination of the American Ambassador Chris Stevens and three US diplomats in Benghazi. This tragic event showed that anti-Americanism is not the exclusive domain of terrorist
organizations anymore; it is an attitude of ordinary citizens. Al-Qaeda, apparently playing second fiddle, continues to operate by promoting propagandistic magazines that stir up hatred towards the United States.
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