“The Monument of Wojtek the Bear” or Polish Projects to Commemorate Animals Involved in World War II


Wojtek the Soldier Bear
statues of animals
the 2nd Polish Corps (Anders’ Army)
the battle of Monte Cassino

How to Cite

Lorenc, M. (2015). “The Monument of Wojtek the Bear” or Polish Projects to Commemorate Animals Involved in World War II. Przegląd Politologiczny, (3), 139–151. https://doi.org/10.14746/pp.2015.20.3.10


A monument is not an imitation or representation of the past, but a cultural construct. The choice of a theme and the way it is presented in a monumental sculpture show what a particular group considered important and worthy of commemoration. Although it refers to the past, it is primarily concerned with the reality in which it was created. It is a response to a demand. The monuments of Wojtek which were founded in Poland in 2013-2014 contributed to the consolidation and dissemination of ideas about the bear-hero of Monte Cassino. By exposing patriotic themes and national symbols, the fate of the bear has been linked with the history of Poland during and after World War II. This clear and unequivocal message about the unusual relationship between Wojtek and the Anders’ Army soldiers does not mention how the animal was treated. Thus, the chance to problematize the fate of the bear in man’s captivity has been missed.


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