Culture and Foreign Policy


Common Foreign Policy
Maastricht Treaty
political sciences
culture in European integration

How to Cite

Banús, E. (2015). Culture and Foreign Policy. Przegląd Politologiczny, (3), 103–118.


The Maastricht Treaty includes as the “second pillar” of the European Union a Common Foreign and Security Policy that is designed to improve co-operation in foreign policy, co-operation which has existed informally since 1970. However in recent times (for example, the Libyan crisis), the European nations have not found the single voice that has been expected of them. The article asks for the reasons for the difficulty in improving this policy. As hypothesis a linkage to culture is established, understood as values and attitudes but also memories and remembrances. The article explores the possibility that the differences in the foreign policy are linked with the long life of these elements in the collective mentality.


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