The text analyses Poland’s internal security illustrated with the example of the tasks and activities of one of the Polish special services, the Internal Security Agency (pol. Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego – ABW). Although the Internal Security Agency was established as a counter-intelligence service, the scope of its tasks and activities places it among the criminal intelligence services, which is poorly effective in terms of the eradication of crime targeted at the state’s internal security. The analysis of the issues of state security in the context of the ISA’s activity has been elaborated in the present text with the following research questions: (1) To what extent does the statutory scope of the ISA’s tasks lower the effectiveness of the actions aimed at combating crime threatening state security? (2) To what extent does the structural pathology inside the ISA lower the effectiveness of the actions aimed at combating crime threatening state security? The text features an extensive analysis of three major issues: (1) the ISA’s statutory tasks (with particular consideration of de lege lata and de lege ferenda regulations), (2) the dysfunctional character of the ISA’s activity in relation to the scope of its statutory tasks, and (3) the structural pathology resulting from the ‘politicisation’ of the Internal Security Agency.
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