The problems of how public relations function in Kazakhstan
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public relations

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Bekbołatuły, Żetpisbaj. (2018). The problems of how public relations function in Kazakhstan. Przegląd Politologiczny, (4), 275–282.


The phenomenon of public relations has emerged in Kazakhstan on account of objective circumstances, such as the development of civic society and the pursuit of authorities to establish a dialogue with the society. The socio-political transformation of Kazakh society in the 1990s encompasses a complex combination of causes and effects that have jointly shaped the process of the emergence of PR as a new system of communication. The analysis o f this process, that has been so recent in Kazakhstan, is both interesting and highly topical. The emergence of PR in Kazakhstan as a realm of professional applied and academic activity has been conditioned by objective factors in the development of social relations, the institutions of civic society and the socio-economic mechanisms of the market economy.
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