Ethical Dilemmas of Political Marketing. Polish Members of Parliament on Political Communication (analysis of survey results)


political marketing
political communication
commercialization of democracy
liberał democracy
axiology of politics

How to Cite

Ossowski, S. (2018). Ethical Dilemmas of Political Marketing. Polish Members of Parliament on Political Communication (analysis of survey results). Przegląd Politologiczny, (3), 123–130.


Political marketing has changed not only the way election campaigns are conducted, but also the standards and principles that have lain at the foundations of the liberal-democratic political system for years. First and foremost, the ideał of the rational voter has lost significance as the Citizen has been transformed into a consumer. At the same time, the mechanisms of economic marketing have been transferred to the realm of politics, which seems to be one of the indicators of the ongoing destruction of the ideals and principles of liberał democracy. It is not an easy task to measure the scalę of these changes, though. This paper is an attempt to outline the degree to which the deputies to the Polish Parliament have intemalized market axiology in the realm of politics assessed on the basis of the results of surveys conducted during three consecutive terms of the Polish parliament (in 2004, 2006 and 2008).


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