Much Ado About Nothing? Comments on Reform of the Functioning Model of the International Monetary Fund
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International Monetary Fund
global governance
emerging economies

How to Cite

Rewizorski, M. (2017). Much Ado About Nothing? Comments on Reform of the Functioning Model of the International Monetary Fund. Przegląd Politologiczny, (2), 19–38.


The main objective of this article is to analyze the effects of transformation of the IMF working model, launched in 2006, accelerated since 2010, and identified as the most fundamental governance overhaul in the Fund’s 65-year history and the biggest ever shift of influence in favor of emerging market and developing countries to recognize their growing role in the global economy. This article, set within the institutional framework of global governance and critical international political economy, attempts to clarify whether the IMF reform focused on modifying the size of member countries’ participation in the share capital of the Fund, resulted in significant increase of voting power of emerging markets and developing states or rather was example of global economic governance dysfunctionality.
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