Direct democracy towards separatist aspirations. Considerations on the category of the independence referendum
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independence referendum
direct democracy

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Czapiewski, T. (2017). Direct democracy towards separatist aspirations. Considerations on the category of the independence referendum. Przegląd Politologiczny, (2), 99–112.


The aim of this article was to present the referendum on independence within the framework of the current definitions and typologies of referendum, and to present the main doubts concerning the political conditions and the function of the independence referendum. The referendum on independence in most cases is considered to be a particular instrument of direct democracy and a key step in the process of gaining statehood by the ethno-regional movements. Such a type of referendum should be defined as popular vote in which citizens (with voting rights) of a certain territory may declare their will to establish a new state through secession. The independence referendum is a concept in relation to which there is a significant disproportion between the number of empirical studies in the form of a case study and the number of studies of more general character and theoretical ambitions. The key issues concerning the analysis of this category of referenda are: the referendum procedure - the way of referendum initiative, the preconditions, the persons entitled, the content of the question or the interpretation of the results. It is important to remember about the possibility of a constitutional regulations of referendum, although its implementation is influenced by current factors and tactical political decisions by actors, just like ordinary public votes.
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