Coverage of the presidential election campaign in 2015 by „Wiadomości” TVP1: balanced oraz biased?
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partisan media bias
political balance
TV News Programs
coverage of presidential elections
content analysis

How to Cite

Klepka, R. (2017). Coverage of the presidential election campaign in 2015 by „Wiadomości” TVP1: balanced oraz biased?. Przegląd Politologiczny, (2), 157–176.


In contemporary democratic state there is expected the mass media to serve several roles: informing voters about the candidates and their ideas, interpreting actions of candidates and their opponents, controlling those in power and mobilizing voters politically. There is very important relationship between knowledge about candidates, evaluation of candidates, decision about voting and candidate coverage in media. The television is still very important source of political information. 81% of respondents indicated that TV news programs are the main source of political news. The article presents the results of media content analysis of „Wiadomości” TVP1 before presidential election in 2015 in Poland. The purpose of the research was to evaluate if the campaign coverage was balanced or biased. There was visibility of candidates and media’s favorability examined in the analysis of the most watched TV news program.
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