In recent times there has been a widespread use of the military and other drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) in many fields, both in the military and civilian life. They are frequently used both by the armed forces of many states as well as by the private companies, including the Private Military Companies (PMC). The most controversial issue connected with the use of drones is their deployment in the counterterrorist operations, especially in the so called “ targeted killings”. Since September 7, in 2000, when a U.S. Predator drone flew over Afghanistan for the first time the drone programme has grown into perhaps the most prominent instrument of U.S. counterterrorism policy. The United States has used drones to support ground troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and – particularly under President Barack Obama – to conduct the targeted killings of the leaders of Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups. Those, last operations stir the public opinion and are the source of many controversies . This article describes the development and technical features (possibilities) of the armed-drones (military drones) and their efficiency in the counterterrorist operations. In the final section of this paper the risk connected with the proliferation of military drones was discussed and assessed.
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