Turkey-US Relations in the Context of the Syrian Conflict: from Cooperation to Confrontation


civil war
conflict analysis

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AKYEŞILMEN, N., Tinker, V., & Ishmeal, M. (2020). Turkey-US Relations in the Context of the Syrian Conflict: from Cooperation to Confrontation. Strategic Review, (13), 79–96. https://doi.org/10.14746/ps.2020.1.5


Turkey and the United States of America have been strategic partners for over seven decades. Nevertheless, their relationship has not always been a smooth one, and the two countries have encountered temporary bilateral crises from time to time. In spite of the challenges, over the years, the NATO allies – the United States and Turkey have continued to reaffirm their commitment to cooperate with each other as “strategic partners.” However, the ensuing Syrian crisis has brought the relationship between the allies to an all-time historic low. This study examines Turkey-US relations in the context of the ongoing Syrian conflict using a conflict analysis framework. With this framework, we analyze the historical background, identify the root causes of the crisis and conduct an actor analysis. Based on our findings, we provide policy recommendations to de-escalate and transform the current crisis in US-Turkey relations in order to both restore their mutual trust and find new ways to cooperate as strategic partners.



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