Baltic-Black Sea Region as a Resilient Region: Political and Security Aspects


Baltic-Black Sea region

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Gladysh, M., Krayevska, O., & Holovko-Havrysheva, O. (2020). Baltic-Black Sea Region as a Resilient Region: Political and Security Aspects. Strategic Review, (13), 159–178.


The conceptual bases of resilience in modern political science are analyzed, including the key conceptual approaches that are used in academic studies for understanding the policy of resilience, characterizing the reaction of subjects to stress or threat of any kind and origin. The concept of resilience is applied to analyze the cooperation among the Baltic-Black Sea countries as a regional interaction model which should be formed in order to reduce or avoid security crises.

The Baltic-Black Sea countries have developed and formed strong ties in different dimen­sions among one another, opening an opportunity for intellectual adventures in the area of the conceptualization of their interaction modes under the regional cooperation frameworks. Based upon the analyzed doctrinal views and available documentary backgrounds on resilience in the UN and the EU, the possible visions and scenarios for the creation of the Baltic-Black Sea region as a resilient one are given. The existing and potential obstacles to cooperation in the region are highlighted. The main threats and challenges for the Baltic-Black Sea region at present are investigated.


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