Institutional Mechanism to Ensure National Security in the Information Space of the United States, the United Kingdom and the Russian Federation


ensure national security
information space
institutional mechanisms
United States
United Kingdom
Russian Federation

How to Cite

Bondarenko, S., Nagornyak, T., & Polovyi, M. (2020). Institutional Mechanism to Ensure National Security in the Information Space of the United States, the United Kingdom and the Russian Federation. Strategic Review, (13), 265–279.


The paper is devoted to an analysis of the institutional mechanisms that ensure national security in the information space of several leading countries – the United States, the United Kingdom and the Russian Federation. It is stated that institutional mechanisms that ensure national security in the information space of the leading countries all have a similar structure. The main components of these mechanisms involve public authorities (state leaders – president or prime minister, government, ministries, and agencies), local government bodies, civil society institutions, the academic community, business community, and the media. The gradual expansion of the system of institutions that ensure national security in the information space and increase in their powers occurs in all these states. The analysis also demonstrates the paradigm shifts in the development and implementation of US and UK information policy in the context of modern nonlinear processes. Paradigmatic shifts are currently being reoriented towards the interests and needs of target audiences, diversification of channels and mechanisms of the distribution of meaning (strategic narratives) in the information space, from vertical to horizontal interaction with internal and external audiences. Emphases are shifting to the involvement of a wide range of institutions and other stakeholders in the implementation of information policy and delegation of powers from the center to the periphery, while preserving the main parameters of the policy established by state structures.


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