Scenarios for the Development of the Migration Problem in Russia


Russian migration policy
international migration
illegal immigrants

How to Cite

Stepanov, S., & Ivanova, E. (2020). Scenarios for the Development of the Migration Problem in Russia. Strategic Review, (13), 281–296.


The article is devoted to the impact of migration processes on public opinion and possible solutions to the migration problem in modern Russia. An analysis and comparison of the results of sociological surveys conducted by various sociological agencies over the past five years has made it possible to identify the most vulnerable points in interethnic relations. Speaking about the future prospects of Russian migration policy, the authors offer scenarios for the development of the migration problem in Russia. To study the experience of the organization, as well as to determine the specific features of the functioning of the migration process, comparative methods are used to identify the main ways of regulating the migration policy in Russia and to compare this practice with international experience. The generalization method is also used, allowing the authors to identify common properties and characteristics of the objects of study by moving from a particular or less general concept and judgment to a more general concept or judgment within the framework of this study. The methods of induction and deduction are widely used in academic research. Thanks to these methods, researchers have the opportunity to examine certain processes in detail, build logical relationships and sequences, and identify patterns. The use of induction made it possible to derive general propositions from a series of particular statements and isolated facts based on data from past experience.


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