Use and Application of Firearms by the Police in the Light of Human Rights Standards in Poland


internal security
individual security
human rights
the Police

How to Cite

Fehler, W. (2020). Use and Application of Firearms by the Police in the Light of Human Rights Standards in Poland. Strategic Review, (13), 363–378.


The article is devoted to the assessment of the rules, possibilities and manners of using and applying firearms by the Police in terms of compliance with human rights. The first part of the study contains analyses focusing on general frames for the use and application of firearms and circumstances giving premises for the use or application of these arms. In the next section, the discussion covers the conduct of law enforcement officials preceding the use of firearms and refers to the question of the so-called special use of firearms. The content of the final part of the article covers mechanisms preventing abuse regarding the use and application of firearms and procedures for situations of breaching legal regulations for the use of such arms. The article closes with the summary where, based on the analyses of existing solutions and available statistical data, a conclusion is made that the Police exercise proper caution so as to ensure the observance of human rights in relation to holding legislative power to use and apply firearms. The key methods applied while preparing this article were the legal analysis and the institutional analysis. In the alternative, a descriptive method with the application of the critical analysis of the literature on the subject was also employed.


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