The aim of the article is to present the extent to which the interests of the EU Member States influence the policy of the European Union in the Mediterranean region. First of all, will be analyzed the conception, implementation and effectiveness of Mediterranean policy towards the Arab Spring. In addition, it will attempt to answer the question, are these interests opposed to EU-policy or converge (and in which areas). Implemented since 1995, the EU policy in the Mediterranean region is part of the paradigm idealistic. But the interests of member states reflect the realistic paradigm and contribute to block some of the assumptions of EU policy, giving it a purely declarative character. Due to the existing differences of interests between EU Member States, the European Union as an entity is unable to take effective and coherent action towards the region of North Africa and the Middle East. The EU could be the impact of the three countries advantage – France, Britain and Germany, with the increasing role of the last one.References
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