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Ożarowski, R. (2015). DIPLOMATIC ACTIVITIES OF QATAR IN DISPUTES AND CONFLICTS RESOLUTION IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA. Strategic Review, (8), 117–134. https://doi.org/10.14746/ps.2015.1.8


Currently, taking into consideration the high risk of outbreak of conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, what is connected with religious-ethnic tensions, nuclear power proliferation or superpowers’ completion in order to establish its own influences, Qatar in its effective activities in conflict resolution appears as a regional phenomenon in the XXI century. Among the international community Qatar showed how to use its own economic and political potential to become regional political power. There are chosen four case studies of Qatari mediation in order to present means and effects of diplomatic conflict resolution: political crisis in Lebanon, war in Sudanese Darfur, conflict between rebels and government forces in Yemen and rarely exemplified in the context of Qatari mediation – Eritrea-Djibouti dispute. Mediation as a diplomatic means of conflict resolution is correlated with the strategy of foreign policy of Qatar. This strategy depends on making ‘brand’ of the state in the international relations, strengthen its own security and stability and expanding own sphere of influence.
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