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Wojciechowski, S. (2015). „10 PLAGUES OF EGYPT” – ANALYSIS OF CONTEMPORARY THREATS TO EGIPTIAN DEMOCRACY. Strategic Review, (8), 147–156. https://doi.org/10.14746/ps.2015.1.10


The current transformation Egypt is experiencing can be analysed in terms of many different research concepts. They provide a more or less exhaustive picture of the individual processes, determinants and events. Whereas many research concepts focus on the issues related to the Arab Spring, democratisation and the transformations the Middle East is undergoing, much less attention is paid to presenting different factors that pose a threat or impede democratisation in Egypt. The article aims to illustrate and systemise these factors. The following questions – corresponding with the book Democration in the Arab World – are asked: to what extent have the above-mentioned factors occurred in Egypt? Do they pose a threat to Egyptian democracy? Can they contribute to diluting the democratic tendencies in Egypt further in the future?
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