Polish Border Guard – identifying and countering terrorism in the light of Polish and European legislation
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How to Cite

Borek, P. T. (2011). Polish Border Guard – identifying and countering terrorism in the light of Polish and European legislation. Strategic Review, (2), 287–308. https://doi.org/10.14746/ps.2011.2.15


Preventing and combating the phenomenon of terrorism requires an effective and systematic application of all the means accessible to a democratic country. The Border Guard, as one of the essential components of an anti-terrorist system, possesses a set of clear and legislatively established solutions for the realization of activities related to the identification and prevention of terrorist threats. The Border Guard, similar to the police service, is vested with and uses its powers to implement sophisticated methods of operational and intelligence work, such as: secret operational control, controlled delivery, controlled purchase, network of personal and non-personal sources of information, operational funds, operational analysis systems, operational surveillance and technology and special operations. The author describes the activities undertaken by the Border Guard within the scope of its statutory task, namely conducting activities as part of identifying and combating terrorist threats.
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