This article examines geopolitical, geoeconomical and geostrategical tendencies, vulnerabilities, risks and threats in theWider Black Sea Area. The research reveals the existence of a „Soft War” opposing the U.S. and E.U. on one side to the Russian Federation and its allies from Shanghai Cooperation Organization on the other side, which can easily become the Second ColdWar. It involves access to energy resources and distribution, the Russian efforts to maintain and extend its hegemony using regional instability, secessionist enclaves, sabotage and paramilitary violence, terrorism and criminality. The article also examinesWestern regional interests. For many centuries, from a geopolitical, geoeconomic and geostrategic point of view, the Black Sea and Balkan area’s importance was based mainly on the region’s role as a point of intersection between great powers that played a critical role in Europe’s history. This area was a link and a frontier, a buffer zone and a transit corridor, betweenWest and East or North and South. The region represents a point of linkage for commercial nets and areas rich in energy resources, but also a black hole in the Western historical consciousness. In the political environment the area is part of the wider Black Sea area and includes the Euro-Asian energy corridor linking the Euro-Atlantic system with Caspian energy supplies. Today the Black Sea and Balkan area is characterized by transformations caused by separation from communism and the Soviet sphere of influence, and by transition from isolation to the values of democracy and free trade. Some of the states from this region are now NATO and European Union members, and others are trying to become eligible by fulfilling NATO and E.U. conditions. At the same time, Russia is trying to build a politico-military and economic block in order to regain its position as a major regional player and a great world power.
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