Interpretacja czynników operacyjnych w regulaminach i doktrynach wybranych państw w kontekście walki z tak zwanym Państwem Islamskim
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operational factors
documents doctrinal NATO military operations
operational thinking

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El Ghamari, M. (2016). Interpretacja czynników operacyjnych w regulaminach i doktrynach wybranych państw w kontekście walki z tak zwanym Państwem Islamskim. Strategic Review, (9), 193–209.


The main reason, to take this subject was self-perception of the problems arising from the perception and definition of the operating factors in the art of war, to potential military operations against the so-called Islamic State. Operational factors do not have a clear source of their definition and perception of the art of war. Their importance in the art of war was and is treated in many cases instrumentally, their aspect of the phenomenon described operations or attributed to them only part of the description of environmental assessment to guide future actions. Analysis of the importance of operational factors indicating their wider range and finds its justification in the development of operational thinking in the art of war. It should be stressed that the ability to think of operating a psychological category entity associated with the development of thinking and mutual understanding. While the combination of thought process entity with its subject provides a reasonable basis for the use of the concept of thinking operating in the art of war. The thinking process operating relates to compounds and the relationship between perceived material objects of art of war and the influence of these relations on the preparation and organization of effective action. Therefore operational factors are the basis for the development of operational thinking in the art of war. Identification of the material objects of art of war is essential to perceive the relationship produced. You must have the awareness that in practice this means the correct identification of the area of operations and precise description of the parties, fighting. The study formulates assumptions of contemporary perception and interpretation of operational factors as the process of initiating any military action. It must be concluded that the accepted scope and structure (structure) of the work was determined the nature of the problems under consideration.
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