The material constitutes a review of articles published in 2015 in British academic journals dealing with International relations. Texts have been selected from sixteen issues of: „International Affairs”, „The British Journal of Politics and International Relations” and „The Political Quarterly” . The articles published in these journals have been analyzed in context of thematic groups such as: the Ukrainian conflict, Middle East issues, migration policy, British policy and climate change.References
Auer S. (2015), Carl Schmitt in the Kremlin: the Ukraine crisis and the return of geopolitics, „International Affairs”, No. 5, Vol. 91.
Bache I., Bartle I., Flinders M., Marsden G. (2015), Blame Games and Climate Change: Accountability, Multi-Level Governance and Carbon Management, „The British Journal of Politics and International Relations”, No. 1, Vol. 17.
Cinar M. U. (2015), Letter from Ankara, „The Political Quarterly”, No. 3, Vol. 86.
Cowburn A. (2016), EU referendum result: Nicola Sturgeon says Scotland sees its future as a part of the EU as Brexit confirmed, „The Independent”, http://www.independent.co.uk (24.06.2016).
Esfandiary D., Tabatabai A. (2015), Iran’s Policy, „International Affairs”, No. 1, Vol. 91.
Glencross A. (2015), Going it Alone? The Choice o f Political Union in British Politics, „The Political Quarterly”, No. 4, Vol. 86.
Greene T. (2015), Israel’s two states debate, International Affairs”, No. 5, Vol. 91.
Lockwood M. (2015), Stern Review 2.0? The Report of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, „The Political Quarterly”, No. 1, Vol. 86.
Oliver T. (2015), To be or not to be in Europe: is that the question? Britain’s European question and an in/out referendum, „International Affairs”, No. 1, Vol. 91.
Park B. (2015), Turkey’s isolated stance: an ally no more, or just the usual turbulence?, „International Affairs”, No. 5, Vol. 91.
Reinisch J. (2015), ‘Forever Temporary ’: Migrants in Calais, Then and Now, „The Political Quarterly”, No. 4, Vol. 86.
Scott S. V. (2015), Implications of climate change fo r the UN Security Council: mapping the range of potential policy responses, „International Affairs”, No. 5, Vol. 91.
Wolff A. T. (2015), The future ofNATO enlargement after the Ukraine crisis, „International Affairs”, No. 5, Vol. 91.
Yost D. S. (2015), The Budapest Memorandum and Russia s intervention in Ukraine, „International Affairs”, No. 3, Vol. 91.
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