The article discusses the motifs of queerness (homosexuality) in classical (English) Gothic novels and indicates a parallel with the modern practices of reading and writing queerness. Additionally, it defines the place of queer Gothic on the map of queer Modernism at the turn of the 19th century and in the 20th century. Simultaneously, he poses a question about the reason for pushing this aesthetics to the margins of that whichis “highly artistic”, or its presence only in the mainstream – basically through pastiche, grotesque, stylization or the sole use of formal elements in a polyphonic or Silva rerum structure.
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Laplanche J., Pontalis J.B., Pleasure Principle [hasło], w: The Language of Psychoanalysis.
Lewis M.G., Mnich. Romans, przeł. Z. Sinko, Warszawa 1997, s. 46–47.
Michasiw K.I., Introduction, w: C. Dacre, Zofloya, or the Moor, Oxford 2008.
Miles R., Gothic Writing 1750–1820. A Genealogy, London–New York 1993, s. 83.
Palmer P., The Queer Uncanny. New Perspectives on the Gothic, Cardiff 2012.
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Radcliffe A., Italczyk albo Konfesjonał Czarnych Pokutników, przeł. M. Przymanowska, Kraków 2003, s. 22.
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Spooner C., Contemporary Gothic, London 2006.
J. Laplanche, J.P. Pontalis, Reality-Testing [hasło], w: The Language of Psychoanalysis.
Thompson G.R. , Introduction: Romanticism and Gothic Tradition, w: The Gothic Imagination. Essays in Dark Romanticism, red. G.R. Thompson, Washington 1974.
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