“How shall I be a mirror to this modernity?” Planetarity, Periodization, and the New Modernist Studies
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modernist studies

How to Cite

Chinitz, D. (2014). “How shall I be a mirror to this modernity?” Planetarity, Periodization, and the New Modernist Studies. Poznań Polish Studies. Literary Series, (24), 145–153. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/pspsl/article/view/1153


The main task of this article is to enter into discussion with a concept of modernism as an expressive dimension of modernity by Susan Stanford Friedman. In place of statements of epistemological nature, the author of the article proposes ontological questions and return to such an understanding of modernism which would primarily stress a specific Anglo-Saxon modernity. This kind of a historically motivated definition should protect the coherence of modernism as a research subject.
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Tomasz Cieślak-Sokołowski (tłumaczenie)


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