In the article “Inne życie wiersza – Darek Foks” focuses on the description of a postmodern poem as an object saturated with life, reified and anthropomorphized. The phenomenon of the recurrent reification, the inclusion in the context of cultural processes aimed at dematerialization of medium is shown on the example of the poetry by Darek Foks. What must be emphasised is the principle of a totemic thinking determining the process of reification in the poetry of this author.
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Mitchell W.J.T., Czego chcą obrazy? Pragnienia przedstawień, życie i miłości obrazów, przeł. Ł. Zaremba, Warszawa 2013.
Mulvey L., Psychoza Alfreda Hitchcocka, przeł. J. Majmurek, w: eadem, Do utraty wzroku. Wybór tekstów, red. K. Kuc, L. Thompson, Kraków–Warszawa 2010.
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Rich A., Poetry and Commitment. An Essay, Londyn–Nowy Jork, 2007.
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