The semantic structure of words for emotions
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meaning of words for emotions
mechanism of descriptions of emotions
semantic analysis

How to Cite

Wierzbicka, A. (2019). The semantic structure of words for emotions. Poznań Polish Studies. Literary Series, (34), 275–289.


Based on the analysis of Leo Tolstoy’s novel Anna Karenina, the article
deals with semantic structure of words for emotions.
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Iordanskaya L. N. (1970), Popytka leksikografičeskogo tolkovanija gruppy russkich slov so značenem čustva, „Mašinnyj Perevod i Prokladnaja Lingvistika”, nr 13.

Tołstoj Lew (1988), Anna Karenina, przeł. Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, t. 1-2, PIW, Warszawa.

Wierzbicka Anna (1973), The semantic structure of words for emotions, w: Slavicpoetics. Essays in honor of Kiril Taranovsky, red. Roman Jakobson, Cornelis Hendrik van Schooneveld, Dean Worth, Mouton, Haga [Holandia], s. 499-505.