The text deals with the question whether Hannah Arendt was influenced by Franz Rosenzweig’s Der Stern der Erlösung (1921) before writing Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin (1929). Instead of building general analogies, I studied two very specific topics – the world and birth – to demonstrate that Arendt repeated almost verbatim Rosenzweig’s entire peculiar argumentation which played the notions of God and nature against each other to combat their overwhelming power and to make room for the contingency of the world and the novelty of each birth. Facing the helplessness of a philosophy which ignored mortality, Rosenzweig cried out the lament of the finite being. Philosophy, with its predilection for totality, lost adequate proportions to reflect on life. Arendt revived this paradigmatic reorientation, but with a significant twist: for her, birth and the world meant more than God for Rosenzweig. Both thinkers projected a language between philosophy and theology, inciting the two idioms to a fruitful debate.
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A. Kottman, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
Celermajer Danielle (2011), Hebraic Dimensions of Hannah Arendt’s Thought, „Journal of Modern Jewish Studies”, vol. 10, no. 1, 3-22.
Clarke Barry, and Lawrence Quill (2009), Augustine, Arendt, and Anthropy, „Sophia: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysical Theology and Ethics”, vol. 48, no. 3, 253-265.
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Jonas Hans (2008), Memoirs, edited and annotated by Christian Wiese, translated by Krishna Winston, Brandeis University Press–University Press of New England, Waltham–Hanover.
Knott Marie Luise (2013), Unlearning with Hannah Arendt, translated by David Dollenmayer, Other Press, New York.
Lazier Benjamin (2008), God Interrupted. Heresy and the European Imagination Between the World Wars, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Leibovici Martine (2003), Hannah Arendt et la tradition juive. Le judaïsme à l’épreuve de la sécularisation, Labor et Fides, Lausanne.
Lütkehaus Ludger (2006), Natalität. Philosophie der Geburt, Graue Ed., Zug.
Magun Artemy (2012), Karl Marx and Hannah Arendt on the Jewish Question. Political Theology as a Critique, „Continental Philosophy Review”, vol. 45, no. 4, 545-568.
Moyn Samuel (2008), Hannah Arendt on the Secular, „New German Critique”, vol. 35, no. 3, 71-96.
Rosenzweig Franz (1921 [5681]), Der Stern der Erlösung, J. Kauffmann Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.
Rosenzweig Franz (2005), The Star of Redemption, translated by Barbara E. Galli, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. (Shortcut: SR)
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Kenneth Reinhard, The Neighbor. Three Inquiries in Political Theology, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 76-133.
Young-ah Gottlieb Susannah (2003), Regions of Sorrow. Anxiety and Messianism in Hannah Arendt and W. H. Auden, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
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Zarader Marlène (1990), La dette impensée. Heidegger et l’héritage hébraïque, Éditions du Seuil, Paris.
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