The key word of the essay is per me, as I present in it my own reminiscence from my childhood and youth, which was when I first came into contact with the works of two exceptional maestros: Frédéric Chopin and Lesya Ukrainka (the pen name of Larysa Kosach). Chopin created musical poetry, while Lesya – a rhythmic and melodic verbal poetry. The dialogue of the two authors sounds amazing, uncovering an optimistic apotheosis of survival and the trauma of loss – the states expressed in Chopin’s Marche funèbre and by Lesya Ukrainka in her poetry cycle devoted to this composition.The temporarily mature understanding of per me in both these creations also resulted from the trauma caused by the loss of close relatives (first, the grandad at a very young age) and hence became the drive for discovering the content of art and the means of expression characteristic to various branches of art.
Butycz Iwan (1971), Łesia Ukrajinka. Dokumjenty i materiali (1871-1970), Naukowa dumka, Kyjiv.
Cerkown’ak-Horodets’ka Olesja (2012), Fryderyk Chopin u tworczos’ci Lesi Ukrajinky, „Kyjiws’ki polonostyczni studiji”, t. 19, s. 201-205.
Łesia Ukrainka (1975-1979), Zibrannja tworiw u 12 tomach, t. 1-12, red. E.S. Szabliowskij (golowa), Naukova Dumka, Kyjiv.
SBB (2021), Memento z banalnym tryptykiem, [dostęp: 16 grudnia 2021], https://www.tekstowo.pl/piosenka,sbb,memento_z_banalnym_tryptykiem.html.
Zerow Mykoła (2003), Łesia Ukrajinka: krytyczno-biobibliograficznyj narys, w: tegoż, Ukraїnske pismenstwo, Osnowi, Kyjiv.
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