A Song for the Heavens. Echoes of Chopin in Artur Oppman’s Works
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Artur Oppman
Frédéric Chopin
correspondence of arts

How to Cite

Sikorska-Krystek, A., & Krystek, J. (2021). A Song for the Heavens. Echoes of Chopin in Artur Oppman’s Works. Poznań Polish Studies. Literary Series, (41), 227–245. https://doi.org/10.14746/pspsl.2021.41.12


This article presents a cycle of lyrical works entitled Z motywów Chopina (From Chopin’s themes) by Artur Oppman, published in 1893 in the volume Pieśni (Songs). The shape of this cycle had been modified over the years. In 1908, the poet changed its title and expanded it with new works. This change testifies to the evolution of the creative concept and the set of ideas about the function of the composer’s work. Contrary to the opinion rooted in the tradition of research about the conventional approach to the impact of Chopin’s work presented in Oppman’s lyrical poetry, the authors of the article demonstrate a far-reaching originality of the discussed work, focusing their attention both on issues related to understanding the narrowly-defined poetological knowledge and on the problem of translating musical means of expression into the language of a literary work.

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Drogoszewski Aureli (1900), Literatura polska. Or-Ot (Artur Oppman), „Prawda”, nr 45, s. 540-541.

Galle Henryk (1908), Artur Oppman (Or-Ot). Wybór poezji. Wydanie nowe, zmienione i powiększone, z portretem autora. Warszawa nakład Gebethnera i Wolffa, Kraków. G. Gebethner i Sp. 1908, 12-o, str. 299, „Biblioteka Warszawska”, t. 4, s. 595-596.

Hejmej Andrzej (2020), Chopin w literaturze, [dostęp: 20 lutego 2020], https://tinyurl.com/f9ukbw79.

Kozłowski Stanisław (1893), Or-Ot (Artur Oppman), „Pieśni”, „Gazeta Polska”, nr 274, s. 3.

Oppman Artur (1898), Z motywów Chopina, „Życie”, nr 40/41, s. 521.

Oppman Artur (Or-Ot) (1908), Wybór poezji. Wydanie nowe, zmienione i powiększone, Gebethner i Wolff, Warszawa–Kraków.

Or-Ot [właśc. Artur Oppman] (1890), Preludium, inc. ***[Szopenowska piosnka płynie…], „Echo Muzyczne, Teatralne i Artystyczne”, nr 340, s. 162.

Or-Ot [właśc. Artur Oppman] (1892), Walc, „Myśl”, nr 22, s. 187.

Or-Ot [właśc. Artur Oppman] (1894), Pieśni, Paprocki i Spółka, Warszawa.

Or-Ot [właśc. Artur Oppman] (1900), Wybór poezji, Gebethner i Wolff, Warszawa.

Or-Ot [właśc. Artur Oppman] (1914), Monologi, Gebethner i Wolff, Warszawa.

Tarnowski Stanisław (1892), Chopin i Grottger. Dwa szkice, Księgarnia Spółki Wydawniczej Polskiej, Kraków.