Masterpieces of French Mediaeval Studies
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Middle Ages

How to Cite

Maleszyńska, J. (2023). Masterpieces of French Mediaeval Studies. Poznań Polish Studies. Literary Series, (43), 43–56.


Two significant volumes dedicated to mediaeval studies which sparked an engaged reception in Poland of the work by the Annales school were Georges Duby and Robert Mandrou’s A History of French Civilization. From the 10th to 20th century and Jacques Le Goff’s Medieval Civilization 400–1500.

Although they are without a doubt scientific books, their literary value places them in the popular science genre. As early as a few years after their publication, both books were successfully translated by Hanna Szumańska-Grossowa, which contributed to the popularisation of the knowledge about French history among Polish readers.

It’s a great achievement of Szumańska-Grossowa, who translated into Polish both fiction and scientific books, to enable Polish readers of the 1960s and 1970s to freely familiarise themselves with the greatest achievements of French and, more broadly speaking, European humanities.
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Arcydzieła francuskiego średniowiecza (1968), przeł. Tadeusz Żeleński (Boy), Anna Tatarkiewicz, wybór Maciej Żurowski, wstępy i przyp. Zygmunt Czerny, PIW, Warszawa.

Balcerzan Edward, Rajewska Ewa (2007), Pisarze polscy o sztuce przekładu 1440–2005. Antologia, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań.

Duby Georges, Mandrou Robert (1967), Historia kultury francuskiej. Wiek X–XX, PWN, Warszawa.

Duby Georges, Geremek Bronisław (1995), Wspólne pasje, PWN, Warszawa.

Franaszek Andrzej (2018), Herbert. Biografia, t. 1: Niepokój, Znak, Kraków.

Herbert Zbigniew (2004), Wiersze wybrane, a5, Kraków.

Le Goff Jacques (2002), Kultura średniowiecznej Europy, Marabut, Gdańsk.

Strzelecka Celina (2015), Czas i historia w szkole „Annales”, „Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej”, nr 2 (23), s. 9–22, [dostęp: 31 marca 2019].