Propozycja reinterpretacji tytułów Bożego pomazańca w Księdze Izajasza (9,5b-6a)
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God’s anointed one
Book of Isaiah


Tobola, Łukasz. (2010). Propozycja reinterpretacji tytułów Bożego pomazańca w Księdze Izajasza (9,5b-6a). Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 24, 73–79.


The article suggests a reinterpretation of the titulary of God’s Anointed One in Isa 9,5b-6a. Based on a detailed analysis of the inscription of this text in the Qumran Isaiah scroll (QIsaa) and in the oldest Masoretic manuscripts also in their relation to biblical onomastics, a triple division of royal titulary, different from the hitherto accepted ones, is proposed which in the intent of the biblical author was to reflect the qualities of an ideal king. This triple division refers to the king’s wisdom as a mediator between God and the people („A Wonderful Counselor is God”), his role as a commander who fights in the name of the Divine protector („Mighty is the Everlasting Father”) and as a guardian who watches over the fate of the community entrusted to his care („The Divine Companion is the Master of Prosperity”). This image is confirmed by extrabiblical texts especially by the sources from Ugarit, where the kings used a similar titulary - both in the aspect of form as well as content.
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