Dar nieomylności. Od Pastor aeternus do Sensus fidei
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nadprzyrodzony zmysł wiary
nieomylność Kościoła
rozwój doktryny chrześcijańskiej


Ferdek, B. (2018). Dar nieomylności. Od Pastor aeternus do Sensus fidei. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 30, 239–250. https://doi.org/10.14746/pst.2016.30.12


Second Vatican Council took over from the first Vatican Council the doctrine on infallible teaching of the Bishop of Rome, approved it and presented in more complete context. It is the teaching of Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen gentium on infallibility of bishops when together with the pope they exercise the Church's Magisterium, and on supernatural sense of faith of all people, thanks to which they cannot get lost in faith. International Theological Commission issued “Sensus fidei” in the life of the Church, a document which deals with the issue of supernatural sense of faith of all people of God. This document presents sufficient theology of sensus fidei and therefore it is possible to attempt to place the dogma about the pope’s infallibility into more complete context which sensus fidei is a part of. Three carriers of infallibility in the Church: the pope, the college of bishops and sensus fidei are complementary to one another when it comes to explanation and defence of the divine Revelation. None of them can form anything new in relation to the Revelation. All together serve infallibility given to the Church by the Spirit of Truth.

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