Otwartość na dar stworzenia
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Moskałyk, J. (2019). Otwartość na dar stworzenia. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 33, 83–95. https://doi.org/10.14746/pst.2018.33.05


An important duty of man is proper communication and relativity to creation. This is due to the unique situation of our being “in the middle” and our vocation to go out “in the opposite direction”. However, personal faith in God becomes a particularly ennobling factor, as it somehow deepens the human desire for closeness and solidarity with the whole created reality. Through true openness to the visible world, we learn more about the relationship between the individual and the community, as well between the human community and the whole creation. Ultimately, we are trying to take up the challenge of dealing responsibly with nature as a unique value today and with the right to continue in the future.

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