“Confession Seals the Mouth” The cult of St. John of Nepomuk – a Martyr of the Sacramental Mystery – on the Example of 15 Songs from the Collection of Catholic Devotional Hymns for Church and Home Use, Published in Pelplin in 1871 Selected Theological and Musical Issues
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St. John of Nepomuk
religious song


Kaczorowski, R. (2021). “Confession Seals the Mouth” The cult of St. John of Nepomuk – a Martyr of the Sacramental Mystery – on the Example of 15 Songs from the Collection of Catholic Devotional Hymns for Church and Home Use, Published in Pelplin in 1871 Selected Theological and Musical Issues. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 39, 245–256. https://doi.org/10.14746/pst.2021.39.13


In the presented article, the author discusses 15 songs composed in honor of St. John of Nepomuk, coming from the Collection of Catholic Devotional Hymns for Church and Home Use, published in 1871 in Pelplin. The number of songs proves that the cult of St. John was widespread among Polish people. This Saint enjoyed extraordinary authority because he remained faithful to his priestly vocation until his martyrdom. He preferred to die than to reveal the secret of the holy
confession. Thus, St. John of Nepomuk remains the Patron Saint of Confessors until this day.

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