Νίκη in 1 Macc 3:19 As an Expression of the Confrontation between Israel’s Faith and Pagan Religiosity
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Old Testament
First Maccabees


Nawrot, J. (2023). Νίκη in 1 Macc 3:19 As an Expression of the Confrontation between Israel’s Faith and Pagan Religiosity. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 43, 7–33. https://doi.org/10.14746/pst.2023.43.1


In the proposed article, the author tries to find the theological meaning of the noun νίκη, ‘victory’, present in the text of 1 Macc 3:19. In the entire book, it appears only in this verse, constituting one of its many interpretation puzzles. The analysis will go through several stages, starting with providing dictionary meanings of the term. A review of other terms used to describe the victories that the book uses will also be helpful in the inquiry. In this context, the question arises about the reason for their replacement in v. 19 by this hapax. On the other hand, a brief analysis of individual verses of the Septuagint containing νίκη will raise the question of whether the author could have been inspired by any of them using the noun in his text. Finally, it will be necessary to analyze selected works of Greek ancient literature, against which the meaning of the studied noun presence in the inspired text will become clearer.

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