Omosessualità e sacerdozio. Il nodo gordiano – dei cattolici?
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Catholic Church
homosexual tendency
affective maturity
sexual identity
gay marriage

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Kobyliński, A. (2018). Omosessualità e sacerdozio. Il nodo gordiano – dei cattolici?. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 31, 117–143.


Homosexuality and the priesthood. The Gordian knot – for Catholics?

This article provides a short overview on the relationship between homosexuality and the Catholic priesthood. The analysis reveals that the phenomenon of homosexuality increasingly divides the Christian world. The understanding of homosexuality requires interdisciplinary and serious analysis. The crucial question for Catholics, which is rather of an ontological than moral nature, concerns the vision of the priest who acts “in the person of Christ” (in persona Christi). The understanding of the essential elements of the conformity of the Catholic priest to Christ seems to be crucial for the correct interpretation of the relationship between homosexuality and the priesthood.
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