Between the “lockdown shock” and the (post)pandemic priority, that is, about developing students’ resilience in the course of religious education
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religious education
social isolation

How to Cite

Chrostowski, M. (2021). Between the “lockdown shock” and the (post)pandemic priority, that is, about developing students’ resilience in the course of religious education. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 40, 131–152.


Lockdown, related to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, presents the school, and with it also theologians and religious educators, a new (post)pandemic priority. It is not only the generally understood development of resilience in students in the face of threats to life and health, but also strengthening its “religious” dimension. Religious education can play an important role in this respect, as its strength lies in the ability to offer people a wide range of ways to cope with various life situations or adversities. This article first presents a critical analysis (the outline of the problem) of the changed existential and educational situation of students in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland. That, in turn, makes it possible to identify the social and educational consequences of lockdown, which are a challenge for religious education within the scope of educational activities in Poland and for the development of resilience. These considerations constitute a starting point for presenting the issue of religious constructs, prayer and theologization as educational vehicles of mental resilience that can effectively help children and adolescents expand their personal resources of these valuable - in an individual and social sense - skills.
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