The paper discusses the proclamatory teaching of Gregory the Great on the attitudes and tasks of the preacher and the hearer of the Word of God. Both are significant as the final effect of the preaching depends on the priest who proclaims the Word as well as on the faithful who hear the Word. Therefore, the preacher of the Word should be a witness of the proclaimed truth who is concerned for the salvation of the faithful entrusted to his care. He should not engage into any activity that interferes with his pastoral
ministry. Otherwise he would be merely a hired hand not a shepherd who knows his sheep. However, even a deeply committed ministry of the Word will not bear fruit if the faithful do not receive the proclaimed truths into their hearts. The everyday life of the faithful is a test of their reception of the Word.
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Vulgata, https://www.biblia.info.pl/biblia.html [dostęp 10.06.2022].
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