Independence at the Pulpit: A Sermon Delivered by Rev. Antoni Stychel in the Polish District Sejm in Poznań in 1918
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Polish District Sejm 1918
Sejm sermon
Antoni Stychel

How to Cite

Kalbarczyk, A. (2023). Independence at the Pulpit: A Sermon Delivered by Rev. Antoni Stychel in the Polish District Sejm in Poznań in 1918. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 43, 285–295.


In accordance with the pre-partition tradition in which the Sejms of the Republic of Poland were inaugurated with the Holy Mass and a sermon delivered in church, the Polish District Sejm in Poznań in 1918 was also commenced in the same manner. The Holy Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Edmund Dalbor, the Primate of Poland, on December 3rd in the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Mary Magdalene and St Stanislaus (Poznań Parish Church) and a sermon was delivered by its parish priest, Rev. Antoni Stychel, an outstanding priest and a national and social activist. The text of the sermon, consisting of 9 pages in the 2018 edition, has a fairly clear structure. It is divided into three parts. The first part is essentially devoted to a reflection on the causes of Poland’s loss of independence and to expressing the joy of the forthcoming liberation. The second longest part aims, on the one hand, to show everyone that Poles, through their suffering, earned with God the resurrection of their homeland, and on the other hand, to enhearten Poles in this joyful historic moment stating that this is thanks to their prolonged anguish and steadfast perseverance that they are worthy of deliverance. The last third part is devoted to offering thanksgiving to God for putting an end to the centuries-old bondage, which is tied with a call to work on oneself and work for the common good so that the nation could deserve the durability of freedom and the gift of the successful development of the motherland. The sermon ends with a prayer to God and a specific “litany of the nation” to the most important Polish saints who are to plead with God to shower Poles with His grace. The sermon delivered by Rev. Antoni Stychel inscribes itself into the great and long tradition of Polish patriotic preaching. It is based primarily on the most outstanding Sejm sermons of great Polish preachers such as Hieronim Powodowski or Piotr Skarga. Like them, Rev. Antoni Stychel makes the Polish District Sejm delegates aware of how much moral obligation rests on them towards those who fought, suffered and gave their lives for a free and just country. He appeals to their consciences and hearts to be guided only by the common good when holding sessions and adopting resolutions. The preacher calls on them and all Poles to uproot national flaws, to form virtues and, above all, not to waste the gift of returning independence.
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