נֵבֵֶֶל – an Old Testament Musical Instrument
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musical instrument
Hebrew Bible

How to Cite

Górska, H. (2023). נֵבֵֶֶל – an Old Testament Musical Instrument. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 43, 75–83. https://doi.org/10.14746/pst.2023.43.4


There are many different kinds of musical instruments in the texts of the Hebrew Bible. One of these is the נֵבֵֶֶל. Currently, we do not have, any archaeological finds that depict an instrument signed as נֵבֵֶֶל. Therefore, the biblical texts seem to be the only reliable source of information about this particular instrument at present. In the study of this instrument, however, one can also rely on archaeological discoveries or texts concerning the Greek names used in place of נֵבֵֶֶל in the Septuagint. These sources, however, do not make it certain that they describe the same instrument referred to in the Hebrew Bible. Based on both sources, we try to present what נֵבֵֶֶל might have looked like, what it was made of, and when and how it was played. 

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