Średniowieczna apologia chrześcijaństwa wobec islamu
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Christian apology
Christianity and Islam
interreligious dialogue

How to Cite

Ledwoń, I. S. (2015). Średniowieczna apologia chrześcijaństwa wobec islamu. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 29, 197–212. https://doi.org/10.14746/pst.2015.29.11


The paper focuses on the issue of Christian apology vis-à-vis Islam in the Middle Ages. The author points out that the Christian attitude towards Islam evolved from associating it with an apocalyptic Antichrist, through seeing it as the fulfillment of Abraham’s promise given to Ishmael and a Christian heresy, up to the approval of Islam as a religion – initially deemed a false one, however with time, recognized as containing elements of the authentic truth revealed by God. Nicholas of Cusa’s original approach towards Islam failed to find followers and sank into oblivion. Over the next centuries the perception of Islam had been dominated by the Turkish threat to Europe and the era of European colonialism in  Asia.

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