Teologia polska oczami rzymianina
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How to Cite

Kochaniewicz, B. (2015). Teologia polska oczami rzymianina. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 29, 239–248. https://doi.org/10.14746/pst.2015.29.14


The article entitled Polish Theology Viewed from a Roman Perspective is the fruit of the author’s reflection on theology in Poland, after a stay of nearly 20 years in the Eternal City. Apart from many critical insights, it also contains several proposals concerning the renewal of the situation. One of them is an urgent necessity to present the results of research made by Polish theologians in the Western theological journals. Moreover, the article underscores the need of publication of reviews, which could indicate the best editions of the theological works and original researches of Polish theologians, appearing in Poland. It suggests the necessity to create a central website which could provide information about the activity of educational centers and theological associations in Poland. The author also proposes that extensive research should be undertaken aimed at establishing the original features, which distinguish Polish theology on the background of theological reflection practiced in the West.

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