European Humanism and Benedictine Monasticism. Around Selected Statements of Benedict XVI
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Benedict XVI
European culture
Saint Benedict of Nursia

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Kiejkowski, P. (2021). European Humanism and Benedictine Monasticism. Around Selected Statements of Benedict XVI. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 36, 137–150.


Josef Ratzinger has made the problem of the solid foundations of European humanism one of the most important in his scientific and pastoral work. Called to the Holy See, he chose the name Benedict XVI, indicating the Saint Abbot of Nursia as the special patron of his pontificate. In this study two valuable statements of Pope Ratzinger are discussed, showing the relationship between European humanism and Benedictine monasticism. The first is the speech of Benedict XVI during a meeting with people active in culture at the Bernardine College in Paris on September 12, 2008. The second is the text Crisis of cultures, in which the Pope pensioner presents Abbot Benedict and his way of life as an adequate response to the contemporary crisis of European humanism. To seek God in the first place, to sensitize conscience to trueness, showing the paths of freedom, which advocates good and beauty, is the calling of Benedictine monks and at the same time, a necessary condition for integral humanism, the creative development of European culture.
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