Andrzej Megger, Sakramenty inicjacji chrześcijańskiej w parafii, Wydawnictwo Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, Lublin 2018, ss. 308.
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Comment citer

Akonom, J. (2021). Andrzej Megger, Sakramenty inicjacji chrześcijańskiej w parafii, Wydawnictwo Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, Lublin 2018, ss. 308. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 2, 195–198.


Due to the progress and globalization the contemporary world more and more differs from Christ and the teaching of the Church. Therefore, there is a need to look again at the essential though often discounted aspect of the sacraments of initiation and their role in pastoral and liturgical life of a parish. The aim of the review of fr. Andrzej Megger’s monograph entitled Sacraments of Christian Initiation in a Parish is the encouragement to read and explore the model of the pastoral work which often meets with ignorance or incomprehen sion in parish life reality. While reading the monograph it might be helpful to point the book’s specificity and to present the reviewer’s insights so that the people interested could analyze the thesis with the knowledge ofits assumptions and the scope of the research. Particularly significant for the future readers is the emphasis of the monograph’s role as a source of valuable knowledge which could be used in community pastoral work and therefore, it might be a compendium of appropriate and effective pastoralpremises. In order to provide content’s clearness the text is divided into paragraphs so that the main part of the article corresponds to individual chapters of the book. Accordingly to its nature, the review is fully based on the title mentioned above. To sum up, the result of the review is to outline the issues that are broadly discussed in the monograph. The article is also an incentive to read the book which might seem only a theoretical study but might as well greatly affect practical dimension of preparation and celebration of the sacraments of Christian initiation in a parish.
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