Language is one of the most important features distinguishing a nation. Its role and position in the public sphere determines the level of autonomy of every stateless nation. After the death of Francisco Franco in 1975, Spain experience a revival of such nations as Catalans, Basques and Galicians. This revival has resulted in the natives’ demands
for their languages to be recognized as official ones and be granted this particular status. This article describes the latest efforts and problems in this domain, the linguistic situation of the particular regions, as well as the legal status of each. The main aim of this article is to characterize these phenomena and to reveal in what way these demands have affected the structure of the Spanish state.
Catalan language, honorary guest in Expolangues 2010, Nationalia, 2.02.2010, http://www.nationalia.info/en/news/667, 10.02.2010,
Expolangues2010, http://www.expolangues.fr/,10.02.2010
Official status for Catalan in the EU is a must, Catalan government says, Nationalia, 18.01.2010, http://www. nationalia.info/en/news/655, 11.02.2010
Summary of hearing of Androulla Vassiliou - Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, European Parlament, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/expert/infopress_page/008-67205-013-01-03-901-20100113IPR67204-13-01-2010-2010-false/default_en.htm, 11.02.2010
The European Parliament withdraws criticism to language immersion, Nationalia, 25.03.2009, http://www.nationalia.info/en/news/442, 6.03.2010
A report presented to the European Parliament criticizes the lack of progress made with the ECRML, Nationalia, 20.03.2010
http://www.nationalia.info/en/news/436, 6.03.2010
Diverslinguae, an organization for the promotion of plurilingualism in Spain, has been launched, Nationalia, 18.12.2008, http://www.nationalia.info/en/news/356, 7.03.2010.
The CoE urges the Spanish state to promote minoritised languages in the courts and the administration, Nationalia, 12.12.2008, http://www.nationalia.info/en/news/350, 7.03.2010. Pełen tekst raportu znajduje się na stronie Rady Europy: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/education/minlang/Report/EvaluationReports/SpainECRML2_en.pdf, 7.03.2010.
The Balearic Islands unite with Euskadi, Galicia and Catalonia in defense of their own language, Nationalia, 27.11.2008, http://www.nationalia.info/en/news/334, 7.03.2010.
Aragonese and Catalan languages recognised by the assembly of Aragon, Nationalia, 18.12.2009, http://www. nationalia.info/en/news/638, 12.02.2010.
The government of Aragon postpones again the Languages Act, Nationalia, 1.07.2010, http://www.nationalia. info/en/news/524, 22.02.2010, The Parliament of Aragon starts discussing diluted Languages Act, Nationalia, 6.07.2009, http://www.nationalia.info/en/news/530, 4.03.2010
Basque language is no longer the teaching language in education, Nationalia, 5.06.2009, http://www.nation alia.info/en/news/503, 22.02.2010
Basque is swept away as medium language in schools, Nationalia, 4.11.2010, http://www.nationalia.info/ en/news/615, 22.02.2010
PP removes socialist and nationalist coalition from office in Galicia, Nationalia, 2.03.2009, http://www.nation alia.info/en/news/417, 6.03.2010
Rally to protect Galician language records top attendance, Nationalia, 19.10.2009, http://www.nationalia. info/en/news/603, 22.02.2010.
Ethnologue. Languages of the world, http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=ES, 6.03.2010
Basque language, Britannica Encyclopedia Online, http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/55366/Basque-language, 8.03.2010
Catalan Language. General Overview, Orbis Latinus, http://www.orbilat.com/Languages/Catalan/Catalan.html, 8.03.2010
Población por el nivel de Euskera, Instituto de Estadística Navarra, http://www.cfnavarra.es/estadistica/agregados/perfil_ling/nivel_lengua.xls, 7.03.2010
Population by province, mother tongue and language spoken at home. 2006, Eustat, http://www.eustat.es/elementos/ele0000400/ti_Population_by_province_mother_tongue_and_language_spoken_at_home_2006/tbl0000490_i.html, 7.03.2010.
Població de 2 anys i més segons la primera llengua que va parlar Catalunya, Idescat,
http://www.ides cat.cat/territ/BasicTerr?TC=5&V0=3&V1=3&V3=2490&V4=2532&ALLINFO=TRUE&PARENT=1&CTX=B, Població de 2 anys i més segons coneixement del català Catalunya, Idescat, http://www.idescat.cat/territ/ BasicTerr?TC=5&V0=3&V1=3&V3=2468&V4=2524&ALLINFO=TRUE&PARENT=1&CTX=B, 8.03.2010
Spanish Constitution, Senado de España, http://www.senado.es/constitu_i/index. html, 8.03.2010
The Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country, Gobierno Vasco, http://www.lehendakaritza.ejgv.euskadi.net/r48-2312/en/contenidos/informacion/estatuto_guernica/en_455/estatu_i.html, 8.03.2010.
O Estatuto de Autonomía de Galicia, Xunta de Galicia, http://www.xunta.es/titulo-preliminar, 8.03.2010
Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia 2006, Generalitat de Catalunya, http://www.gencat.cat/generalitat/eng/estatut/titol_preliminar.htm#a6, 8.03.2010
LLEI ORGÀNICA 2/1983, de 25 DE FEBRER, PER LA QUALS’APROVA L’ESTATUT D’AUTONOMIA DE LES ILLES BALEARS, http://www.caib.es/webcaib/govern_illes/estatut_autonomia/doc/estatut.ct.pdf, 8.03.2010.
Ley Orgánica 5/1982, de 1 de julio, de Estatuto de Autonomía de la Comunidad Valenciana, http://www.rlgv.gva.es/es/almacenes/disposiciones/ley_organica_51982_de_1_de_julio_de_estatuto_de_autonomia_de_la_comunidad_valenciana/index.htm, 8.03.2010.
Ley Orgánica 5/1982, de 1 de julio, de Estatuto de Autonomía de la Comunidad Valenciana, http://www.cortesaragon.es/fileadmin/templates/fich/LO5.07.pdf, 8.03.2010.