About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Our main goal is to create a forum who students and PhD students can present the results of their research and also exchange views in the field of:
- political science and administration,
- security sciences,
- media sciences of social communication.

Since 2010, the journal was published as a semiannual. In 2021, the editors decided to change the frequency of publication to a yearbook. So far, 23 issues have been published (24 are in print), in which students, doctoral students described various research problems concerning political science and administration, social communication sciences or security science.

Peer Review Process

Each article is subject to internal review by the editors of the Reflections journal, as well as double external review. The texts are checked for correctness: linguistic, methodological and substantive. If deficiencies are found, the texts will be sent back to the authors.
For the evaluation of each submitted text, a thematic editor is appointed responsible for its preliminary review. Pre-approved texts are forwarded for review to two persons from among those listed in the list of reviewers cooperating with the Editorial Board. A subject editor responsible for its preliminary review is appointed to evaluate each submitted text. Pre-approved texts are forwarded for external review to one of the persons listed on the list of reviewers cooperating with the Editorial Board.
Reviewers, evaluating the text, fill out a review form available on the journal's website. The review contains a clear conclusion on whether the material should be accepted for publication.
Articles are reviewed in double blind peer review mode. This means that the authors of the publication and the reviewers do not know each other's identities.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Everyone is allowed to freely create derivative works, download, copy and distribute the articles published in "Refleksje" through any medium and for any purpose on condition that the original author(s) and source (journal title, volume and issue numbers, year of publication, hyperlink to the original article and doi) are properly credited and information about the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) CC license is given.

Publishing ethics

1. The decision to publish individual texts is made on the basis of the goals and program objectives of the scientific journal, as well as the subject matter of the text and its relevance to science and practice, originality, as well as the research methods used, selection of sources and communicability of the message.

2. The publisher and the bodies of the scientific journal shall take care of the highest possible substantive level of the scientific journal and the implementation of the adopted goals and program objectives. They act with respect for the freedom of scientific research, ensuring integrity and independence from external influences on the published content. They use all available means to prevent plagiarism and publication of unreliable data.

3. The decision to publish a text is based on reviews, the opinion of the subject editor and the Editorial Committee.

4. Requirements for Authors and rules for reviewing articles are open and publicly available.

5. the Publisher shall provide an opportunity to discuss the article after its publication, in particular in the form of discussion articles, reviews or letters to the editor.