Sexuality in the People's Republic of China - history and present
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intimate relations in China
Chinese family models
homosexuality in China
sexual behavior in China

How to Cite

Strzemkowska, N. (2023). Sexuality in the People’s Republic of China - history and present. Refleksje. Pismo Naukowe studentów I doktorantów WNPiD UAM, (24), 37–50.


The current political and economic situation of the People’s Republic of China makes it worth looking at the sexual freedom of the Chinese people. The model of sexual behavior largely depends on the contemporary demographic imbalance in China; therefore, it seems important to discuss this issue. The article analyzes the history of the sexual revolution, its consequences, and is an attempt to present the values and norms that directly affect contemporary social problems related to accessto sex education and the observance of homosexual rights in the People’s Republic of China.
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